วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Myspace Codes HTML - Writing Up Your Own MySpace Layouts

Image : http://www.flickr.com

WARNING: This article contains some technobabble. Viewer discretion is advised.

In other words, if you do not use HTML or CSS experience at all then I say sorry, but you at least a month away from writing their own MySpace layout codes from scratch.

On the other hand, if you have some HTML and CSS experience, so here are the basics of how to do this:

First of all - to the layman - a MySpace social networking site where you can set isYour own home page free, and with whom you interact with more than 100 million users of MySpace. They do this by clicking the profile page so that comments, send messages or bulletins, adding "friends" and usually only a typical Web 2.0-chit-chatty time.

Profile A 'MySpace is a block of CSS code that will be used to change the background, fonts, table borders and other aspects of your profile page on MySpace. Although widely availablethrough the network and free for the taking, I believe (the truck e-mail I receive) that clear how many exactly, resulting in the production of a MySpace profile.

Officially, a MySpace profile hack. The block of CSS code which is a MySpace profile, an embedded style sheet, which, according to W3C standards, to be included in the header of the HTML document. However, no, MySpace is allowing users to access the document texttheir profile pages. When you install a MySpace profile, changing the layout code "About Me" text box on the screen of your account to MySpace "profile", instead of putting the style sheet embedded in the body of the HTML document. Somehow, someone discovered shortly after the founders of MySpace, which, hey, you can embed in an HTML document body is a jam style sheet and we continue to work. Well, back with Web standards, let's go (and thus began a wholeIndustry).

So that the long and short of it.

Your MySpace profile code from a series of opening and closing style tags like this:


... in, including all regular CSS selectors and rules to control the hook and all the various HTML elements on your MySpace page.

So now you have this:

CSS selector (rules)

CSS selector (rules)

CSS selector (rules)

And this is exactly whatSelectors should you use? Ahh, this is fun to come, and is substantially beyond the scope of this article. But I have a couple or three hands would be started.

Tables From Here to Eternity

The first thing you should know right away is the default MySpace HTML code is a nightmare web standards guru, which contains about eight bazillion nested tables. Also noted that all the hash (#) user input will be filtered, sowith ID selectors is not possible. However, we can class selectors. Here is a list of some of the CSS class name in the default template used MySpace is helping you to your MySpace layout:

Navigation - Menu header MySpace, which means "Home, People, Research ..."

Profile Information - Basic Information Table (contains user pic)

contactTable - Contact [username] table

userProfileURL - MySpaceURL

interestsAndDetails - Ideas for table

userprofile detail - detail table

userprofile School - Schools Table

userprofile Networking Table

extendedNetwork - Extended Network Table

latestBlogEntry - Blog Entry Table

Our opinion - table view

Friend Space - Friend Space Table

Friends Comments - Comments Table

Many of these class names were recently added to the model of MySpace, in order to be considered luckyIf you just lay in the biz. Previously, the decision MySpace profile executives were forced to denounce their codes layout with ridiculously long descendant selectors CSS, such as "table table table table div div" filling, etc, to specific items on a MySpace page are aligned .

MySpace Filters

As for the filters, there are a number of other characters, in addition to the hash marks, which are automatically filtered by the script that Cold FusionMySpace processes user input. Filtering hash mark also makes it rather weak, in order to use the hex code for color, if necessary, without the # signs with hexadecimal color codes as some problems with displaying the cause of your MySpace page. To be sure that your color codes will not go on tilt your site, you need CSS RGB color notation, however, as background-color: rgb (255,255,255).

Here is a list of everything Icode knowledge that the filtered MySpace profile:

Hash mark #
HTML comments
CSS comments
HTML iframe element
CSS z-index property
All Javascript

Tips and Tricks

Number one, I strongly recommend that you install Firefox (if not already) done, and then install Chris Pederick Web Developer Extension. The structure function of this extension is of great help to discover, in the hierarchy of nested tables in standard HTML MySpaceCode.

And remember, the number two, because if you use a descendant selector destination nested tables, it is possible (but not always) in relation to all other tables at a deeper level nested. For example, if you 'table table table (applying Rule SET)', you are also potentially applying the same style nested tables, four, five and six levels. Here you will find lots to do, "Doom," as you write code MySpace profile to ensure that only apply stylesItems that you intend to apply them. Therefore, it is normal that the code MySpace profile filled with lots of code are as follows:

table table table (rule applies SET);

Ping-pong Ping (reversed previous set of rules);

And that's it. The rest you have to learn to dive right and mess about. And do not forget to check the MySpace page in different browsers, if you look the same.

Oh, andwilling to go a bit 'Stir Crazy.

This is par for the course.

: O)

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